phpBB API Documentation


abstract class container_aware_migration extends migration implements ContainerAwareInterface

Abstract base class for container aware database migrations.


__construct(config $config, driver_interface $db, tools $db_tools, string $phpbb_root_path, string $php_ext, string $table_prefix)


from migration
static array depends_on()

Defines other migrations to be applied first

from migration
bool effectively_installed()

Allows you to check if the migration is effectively installed (entirely optional)

from migration
array update_schema()

Updates the database schema by providing a set of change instructions

from migration
array revert_schema()

Reverts the database schema by providing a set of change instructions

from migration
array update_data()

Updates data by returning a list of instructions to be executed

from migration
array revert_data()

Reverts data by returning a list of instructions to be executed

from migration
array get_queries()

Get the list of queries run

from migration
setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)



in migration at line 59
public __construct(config $config, driver_interface $db, tools $db_tools, string $phpbb_root_path, string $php_ext, string $table_prefix)



config $config
driver_interface $db
tools $db_tools
string $phpbb_root_path
string $php_ext
string $table_prefix

in migration at line 77
static public array depends_on()

Defines other migrations to be applied first

Return Value

array An array of migration class names

in migration at line 92
public bool effectively_installed()

Allows you to check if the migration is effectively installed (entirely optional)

This is checked when a migration is installed. If true is returned, the migration will be set as installed without performing the database changes. This function is intended to help moving to migrations from a previous database updater, where some migrations may have been installed already even though they are not yet listed in the migrations table.

Return Value

bool True if this migration is installed, False if this migration is not installed (checked on install)

in migration at line 102
public array update_schema()

Updates the database schema by providing a set of change instructions

Return Value

array Array of schema changes (compatible with dbtools->performschema_changes())

in migration at line 112
public array revert_schema()

Reverts the database schema by providing a set of change instructions

Return Value

array Array of schema changes (compatible with dbtools->performschema_changes())

in migration at line 122
public array update_data()

Updates data by returning a list of instructions to be executed

Return Value

array Array of data update instructions

in migration at line 135
public array revert_data()

Reverts data by returning a list of instructions to be executed

Return Value

array Array of data instructions that will be performed on revert NOTE: calls to tools (such as config.add) are automatically reverted when possible, so you should not attempt to revert those, this is mostly for otherwise unrevertable calls (custom functions for example)

in migration at line 182
public array get_queries()

Get the list of queries run

Return Value


at line 32
public setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)



ContainerInterface $container