
Code Changes

File: language/en/ucp.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 89Line 89
	'ATTACHMENTS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'This is a list of attachments you have made in posts to this board.',
'ATTACHMENTS_DELETED' => 'Attachments successfully deleted.',
'ATTACHMENT_DELETED' => 'Attachment successfully deleted.',

	'ATTACHMENTS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'This is a list of attachments you have made in posts to this board.',
'ATTACHMENTS_DELETED' => 'Attachments successfully deleted.',
'ATTACHMENT_DELETED' => 'Attachment successfully deleted.',

	'ATTACHMENT_LOCKED'				=> 'This topic is locked, you cannot delete the attachment.',

	'AUTOLOGIN_SESSION_KEYS_DELETED'=> 'The selected "Remember Me" login keys were successfully deleted.',
'AVATAR_CATEGORY' => 'Category',

	'AUTOLOGIN_SESSION_KEYS_DELETED'=> 'The selected "Remember Me" login keys were successfully deleted.',
'AVATAR_CATEGORY' => 'Category',

Line 115Line 116
	'BIRTHDAY'					=> 'Birthday',
'BIRTHDAY_EXPLAIN' => 'Setting a year will list your age when it is your birthday.',
'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT' => 'My date format',

	'BIRTHDAY'					=> 'Birthday',
'BIRTHDAY_EXPLAIN' => 'Setting a year will list your age when it is your birthday.',
'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT' => 'My date format',

	'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN'	=> 'The syntax used is identical to the PHP <a href="">date()</a> function.',

	'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN'	=> 'The syntax used is identical to the PHP <a href="">date()</a> function.',

	'BOARD_LANGUAGE'			=> 'My language',
'BOARD_STYLE' => 'My board style',
'BOARD_TIMEZONE' => 'My timezone',

	'BOARD_LANGUAGE'			=> 'My language',
'BOARD_STYLE' => 'My board style',
'BOARD_TIMEZONE' => 'My timezone',

Line 178Line 179
	'DEMOTE_SELECTED'			=> 'Demote selected',
'DISABLE_CENSORS' => 'Enable word censoring',
'DISPLAY_GALLERY' => 'Display gallery',

	'DEMOTE_SELECTED'			=> 'Demote selected',
'DISABLE_CENSORS' => 'Enable word censoring',
'DISPLAY_GALLERY' => 'Display gallery',

	'DOMAIN_NO_MX_RECORD_EMAIL'	=> 'The entered email domain has no valid MX record.',

	'DOWNLOADS'					=> 'Downloads',
'DRAFTS_DELETED' => 'All selected drafts were successfully deleted.',
'DRAFTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view, edit and delete your saved drafts.',

	'DOWNLOADS'					=> 'Downloads',
'DRAFTS_DELETED' => 'All selected drafts were successfully deleted.',
'DRAFTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view, edit and delete your saved drafts.',

Line 272Line 272
	'IMPORTANT_NEWS'			=> 'Important announcements',
'INVALID_USER_BIRTHDAY' => 'The entered birthday is not a valid date.',
'INVALID_CHARS_USERNAME' => 'The username contains forbidden characters.',

	'IMPORTANT_NEWS'			=> 'Important announcements',
'INVALID_USER_BIRTHDAY' => 'The entered birthday is not a valid date.',
'INVALID_CHARS_USERNAME' => 'The username contains forbidden characters.',

	'INVALID_EMOJIS_USERNAME'	=> 'The username contains forbidden characters (Emoji).',

	'INVALID_CHARS_NEW_PASSWORD'=> 'The password does not contain the required characters.',
'ITEMS_REQUIRED' => 'The items marked with * are required profile fields and need to be filled out.',

	'INVALID_CHARS_NEW_PASSWORD'=> 'The password does not contain the required characters.',
'ITEMS_REQUIRED' => 'The items marked with * are required profile fields and need to be filled out.',

Line 302Line 303
	'MESSAGE_EDITED'				=> 'Message successfully edited.',
'MESSAGE_HISTORY' => 'Message history',
'MESSAGE_REMOVED_FROM_OUTBOX' => 'This message was deleted by its author.',

	'MESSAGE_EDITED'				=> 'Message successfully edited.',
'MESSAGE_HISTORY' => 'Message history',
'MESSAGE_REMOVED_FROM_OUTBOX' => 'This message was deleted by its author.',

	'MESSAGE_REPORTED_MESSAGE'		=> 'Reported message',

	'MESSAGE_SENT_ON'				=> 'on',
'MESSAGE_STORED' => 'This message has been sent successfully.',
'MESSAGE_TO' => 'To',

	'MESSAGE_SENT_ON'				=> 'on',
'MESSAGE_STORED' => 'This message has been sent successfully.',
'MESSAGE_TO' => 'To',