
Code Changes

File: language/en/common.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 88Line 88
	'AVATAR_PARTIAL_UPLOAD'			=> 'The specified file was only partially uploaded.',
'AVATAR_PHP_SIZE_NA' => 'The avatar’s filesize is too large.<br />The maximum allowed filesize set in php.ini could not be determined.',
'AVATAR_PHP_SIZE_OVERRUN' => 'The avatar’s filesize is too large. The maximum allowed upload size is %1$d %2$s.<br />Please note this is set in php.ini and cannot be overridden.',

	'AVATAR_PARTIAL_UPLOAD'			=> 'The specified file was only partially uploaded.',
'AVATAR_PHP_SIZE_NA' => 'The avatar’s filesize is too large.<br />The maximum allowed filesize set in php.ini could not be determined.',
'AVATAR_PHP_SIZE_OVERRUN' => 'The avatar’s filesize is too large. The maximum allowed upload size is %1$d %2$s.<br />Please note this is set in php.ini and cannot be overridden.',

	'AVATAR_REMOTE_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT'		=> 'The specified avatar could not be uploaded because the request timed out.',

	'AVATAR_URL_INVALID'			=> 'The URL you specified is invalid.',
'AVATAR_URL_NOT_FOUND' => 'The file specified could not be found.',

	'AVATAR_URL_INVALID'			=> 'The URL you specified is invalid.',
'AVATAR_URL_NOT_FOUND' => 'The file specified could not be found.',

	'AVATAR_WRONG_FILESIZE'			=> 'The avatar’s filesize must be between 0 and %1d %2s.',

	'AVATAR_WRONG_FILESIZE'			=> 'The avatar’s filesize must be between 0 and %1$d %2$s.',

	'AVATAR_WRONG_SIZE'				=> 'The submitted avatar is %5$d pixels wide and %6$d pixels high. Avatars must be at least %1$d pixels wide and %2$d pixels high, but no larger than %3$d pixels wide and %4$d pixels high.',

'BACK_TO_TOP' => 'Top',

	'AVATAR_WRONG_SIZE'				=> 'The submitted avatar is %5$d pixels wide and %6$d pixels high. Avatars must be at least %1$d pixels wide and %2$d pixels high, but no larger than %3$d pixels wide and %4$d pixels high.',

'BACK_TO_TOP' => 'Top',

Line 341Line 342
	'MODERATE'				=> 'Moderate',
'MODERATOR' => 'Moderator',
'MODERATORS' => 'Moderators',

	'MODERATE'				=> 'Moderate',
'MODERATOR' => 'Moderator',
'MODERATORS' => 'Moderators',

	'MODULE_NOT_ACCESS'		=> 'Module not accessible',
'MODULE_NOT_FIND' => 'Cannot find module %s',
'MODULE_FILE_INCORRECT_CLASS' => 'Module file %s does not contain correct class [%s]',

	'MONTH'					=> 'Month',
'MOVE' => 'Move',

	'MONTH'					=> 'Month',
'MOVE' => 'Move',

Line 651Line 655
	'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'	=> 'Total members <strong>0</strong>',
'TRACKED_PHP_ERROR' => 'Tracked PHP errors: %s',

	'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'	=> 'Total members <strong>0</strong>',
'TRACKED_PHP_ERROR' => 'Tracked PHP errors: %s',

	'UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE'	=> 'It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image.',

	'UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE'	=> 'It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image. Please verify that the URL you entered is correct.',

	'UNABLE_TO_DELIVER_FILE'=> 'Unable to deliver file.',
'UNKNOWN_BROWSER' => 'Unknown browser',
'UNMARK_ALL' => 'Unmark all',

	'UNABLE_TO_DELIVER_FILE'=> 'Unable to deliver file.',
'UNKNOWN_BROWSER' => 'Unknown browser',
'UNMARK_ALL' => 'Unmark all',